Annual Report

Thank you for helping us reach children in the foster care system of Northeast Kansas. Because of your faithful support over the years we have been able to plant seeds of hope in the lives of hundreds of children. This was a fantastic year, but we believe our best days are still in front of us.


24 Children Served this year

This year by the grace of God we were able to impact the lives of 24 children in the foster care system. These children experienced a full week of being a kid.

The worries of their lives were put on hold and seeds of hope were planted.


67 Volunteers this year

We had 67 people give of there time to come and be a part of camp. Because of these volunteers we are able to make sure the week is all about the kids.

We a proud to have a 2:1 ratio of 2 campers to every counselor and an awesome support staff.


25 years strong

Kids In Need, Inc. and Royal Family KIDS Camp of Topeka are celebrating over 25 years of bringing hope to the hopeless.

This ministry would cease to exist without generous donors like you.